How Do We Juggle All These Crises?
In the statement “Joint statement of United Nations entities on the right to healthy environment,” the UN Environment Programme rightly suggests that we are faced with three environmental crises: climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
From my day to day observations— reading and watching news — the emphasis has been on climate change, overshadowing the other two: biodiversity loss and pollution. I do not have the expertise to prioritize one over the others, but I can definitely say that those three crises are tightly intermingled. There is no doubt climate change will impact biodiversity. The opposite is also true, a biodiverse habitat converted into a monoculture of palm plantation can also negatively affect climate change. Needless to say, pollution destroys wildlife, contributing to climate change.
What makes this situation so complex is that the equilibrium point is so fragile that an attempt to improve one dimension may affect negatively others. And the situation gets even more frustrating when more factors come into play: health crisis, economic crisis, political crisis and many others.
It seems to me that the policy makers are in a difficult position of juggling COVID economic and health crisis with climate change, diversity loss and pollution.
Since COVID-19, there have been more production and consumption of disposable items — packaging, face shields, gloves, masks — which increases pollution. On the other hand, studies such as the “Life Cycle Assessment of grocery carrier bags” from Denmark government reports that considering multiple factors, plastic bags are the least damaging to the environment compared to paper and cotton bags. These reports make the eco-conscious consumption less-trivial. Now consider the economy, if we want it to bounce back, we may think that we need to increase product consumption. Unnecessary consumption will lead to more pollution.
As a global citizen, how do I juggle all these crises? By educating myself, understanding the principles, and tackling one at a time. Also voicing my concerns, spreading the awareness, and voting for leaders whose proposals and actions aligns with my concerns.
The policies, strategies and actions from government, industries and people in general are supporting some and compromising others.
I took environmental issues as my top priority, because if we leave it unattended, it will exacerbate all others. Although the different reports on different domains seems to counteract each other. I still believe there are unexplored solutions out there where we can harmonize different dimensions.
At the moment, my best option is the 5Rs: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose (Repair), Recycle.